-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Web, 13 May 2009 21:42:01 -0400 For a number of reasons, I've recently set up a new OpenPGP key, and will be transitioning away from my old keys. The olds key will continue to be valid for some time, but I prefer all future correspondence to come to the new one. I would also like this new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust. This message is signed by both my new key and both of my old keys to certify the transition. The new key is: pub 4096R/A74B06BF 2009-05-14 Key fingerprint = 8417 157E DBE7 3D9E AC1E 539B 126E B563 A74B 06BF and the old keys were: pub 1024R/ED9D77D5 1997-12-08 Key fingerprint = D3 34 F2 5F D7 14 E0 90 62 03 EF 2D 7E 4A A5 98 pub 1024D/EA5BBD71 2005-11-24 Key fingerprint = DBBF 2EEB F925 FAAD CF1F 3FFF D986 6941 EA5B BD71 To fetch the full key (including a photo uid, which is commonly stripped by public keyservers), you can get it with: wget -q -O- http://barry.warsaw.us/barrypub-gpg.asc | gpg --import - Or, to fetch my new key from a public key server, you can simply do: gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key A74B06BF If you already know one of my old keys, you can now verify that the new key is signed by them: gpg --check-sigs A74B06BF If you don't already know one of my old keys, or you just want to be double extra paranoid, you can check the fingerprint against the one above: gpg --fingerprint A74B06BF If you are satisfied that you've got the right key, and the UIDs match what you expect, I'd appreciate it if you would sign my key: gpg --sign-key A74B06BF Lastly, if you could upload these signatures, i would appreciate it. You can either send me an e-mail with the new signatures (if you have a functional mail server on your system): gpg --armor --export A74B06BF | mail -s 'OpenPGP Signatures' barry@warsaw.us Or you can just upload the signatures to a public keyserver directly: gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key A74B06BF Thanks for your help, and let me know if you have any questions or problems. Cheers, - -Barry barry@warsaw.us -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin) iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJKC4I4AAoJEBJutWOnSwa/KHkQAIT8bex4P9aUgRz95YuJj0Fo hZE2B7Q6/fORCYl25JuFlQ6TqDn3QvgTYGC2eR9AFXbsKH6ctDDzs/jc5ynBQMG1 htssz95BLQ+LU7T/9WN6gMvukNpx8/Lt7TkWYXzo9RQAqm0+VIRzg6JPQXqdvFXn P9bqsuZn7GaDljRxo0mlPIS2Q5I1A2HbhkKmi/vLKnNys84g+dQAVYLqthd3U03O NCQFCSsc/afDNLBOE4UkE2hKVeNGaOhwcP2mMPBfUvmot8C+hO1/xbjzNLhASH2Y 3jyoAIagZb14UEuQeY7pMLL9h4szCINVd1sPRkLSTRUzuIkhsYNV0EwjFLP9iUju FMLjeDT2Y2fAow17q6RnGkCF9wJbeC/3FDM2rAbVbwYPNgtrG3FYcxpNQR0fO397 5Za2Kd8K3CLEMn7dHBIxOWm1r/5Lm0LZ49Vdo5CjkHM5GpBjpSF4eYdBWcD1A7uV IEgO460SGPSR3GvUaRfRRF+BeIZqRtqTMlprR3/y6+D6QrHfZHBc16HbojbGF/mI IL6wlN4v5kpS3Ssq6/4fSXPuIrdxU78dUkfpOBxrS9Hy746l+UOo8k5YnN5Gj6Pp 6QOLMizveCadjm+UilYlSq+sngNvzhMt9bzNeJwDz0JdMAnfx+FVqS0ASz1jMBel WScrdYkq9CyfrQ6ZGlh0 =Cqh7 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----